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Bumper Crop

Grower's Mix

  • Biologically diverse organic growing medium

  • Created with natural ingredients for:

    • Water retention

    • Drainage & Aeration

    • Increased budding and yield

    • Medicinal growing

Bumper Crop

Soil Builder

  • Organic Soil Builder

  • Aerates compacted coils

  • Increases moisture retention

  • Inoculated with mycorrhizae to improve root function

Bumper Crop

Gardener's Gold

  • Perfect for outdoor/indoor use

  • pH adjusted

  • Naturally retains moisture

  • Requires less water and fertilizer

  • Listed for organic use

Penobscot Blend

Planting amendment for annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees; conditioning garden beds and borders

Roses & Flowers

A great soil conditioner for improving and revitalizing the soil in and around your roses and flowers

Lobster Compost

Planting amendment for conditioning flower beds and borders, vegetable gardens, herbs and annuals

Tomatoes & Veg

Naturally lightweight and contains just the right ingredients to grow plentiful, flavorful tomatoes and vegetables


Castine Blend

Rich and diverse soil that is ready to use from the bag. Perfect for raised bed gardens, planter boxes, and container growing

Acid-Loving Plants

A great soil conditioner for improving and revitalizing the soil in and around plants that thrive on lower pH soils


Suitable for use with vegetables, trees, shrubs, lawns and flower gardens.  Ideal for use when preparing new planting areas and for feeding existing plants

Designed to encourage sturdy growth and flowering in roses, perennials and other flowering plants, and acceptable for use in organic production

For use in the vegetable garden as well as soft fruits like strawberries, and will contribute to even plant growth without producing excessive foliage at the expense of fruit

Formulated specifically for the needs of acid-loving plants, and it will encourage growth, green foliage, and beautiful flowers, and is suitable for organic growing


Considered the industry standard of general purpose fertilizers by professional growers, this formula provides fast green-up and rapid leaf expansion

Professional formula designed to produce more flowers and brighter colors on all indoor and outdoor plants

For iron hungry plants, contains an enhanced micronutrient package that will produce lush green plants in any growing condition

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